When Led By Demagoguery | |||||||||||||||||||
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Linked Associates (below) Propose a Devotion to logic for Mankind's Adapting to its Accelerating Learning Curve THIS SITE IS TOO LOGIC-ORIENTED & IDEALISTIC TO BE RELEVLANT. WRONG!/! Y2K was a universal error caused by smart-asses too smart for their own good--just the kind of stuff for this site and those of its associated sites (hotlinked). NEW FROM THIS POINT>. ELECTRIC CARS SAVE ENERGY AND AVOID POLLUTING. WRONG! Energy's energy. WHen you plug it in, it's oil or natural gas that's recharging the thing. No nuclear plants are so much as in a planning stage. Worse, only when superconductors are used in power transmission lines will there no longer be a 60% loss of energy in transmission. see .intermagneticsgeneral. NO SIGNS OF LIFE WERE FOUND ON MARS. CLAIMS THAT NASA SHUNS EVIDENCE OF EXTRA-TERRESTIAL LIFE ARE FAR-FETCHED. WRONG! THE SUPERMARKETS SAVE MONEY BAGGING YOUR GROCERIES IN PLASTIC RATHER THAN PAPER. the relevant answer is WRONG: cause we've gone 19 1/2 years as a car culture/cheap energy, and we're overdo for oil to begin catching up with the CPI. It's been almost that long since MCorp. failed, for crying out loud. Plastic bags aplenty will be used in Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, etc., but the U.S. supers will be happier giving you paper in the near future. LAISSEZ-FAIRE PROSPERS AT THEORETICAL PERFECT INFORMATION AND BUSINESS ENTRY, ALLOWING 100% UNFETTERED SUPPLY & DEMAND FORCES. Wrong. One thing you should've learned in Econ. 101 is at truly perfect entry and information, a 100% supply and demand system is graphically self-defeating, for the margin will always be at cost. The internet is bringing the world into uncharted territory ever closer to that theoretical state. CAR PRICE INFLATION IS IN LINE WITH THE CPI ALLOWING FOR IMPROVEMENTS BUILT INTO THE PRODUCT. Misleading as to the relevant, which is consumers are presumed glad to be compelled to buy the extras. NEIL ARMSTRONG UTTERED HIS LUNAR LANDING DECLARATION CORRECTLY. Ultra-doubtful. "One step for man, one giant leap for mankind" makes no sense; but, "one step for A man, one giant leap for mankind" makes all the sense in the world--is even rather eloquent. If he went to the moon at all: THE "NOVA" (PBS) TEST OF HOW THE ZAPRUDER FILM COULD BE MISLEADING IS VALID. Wrong. Exploding a watermelon sitting on a post bears no relation shooting a head attached to a neck. (Zapruder film: JFK's head was thrust violently back) "MAG-LEV'S" EMIT TOO MUCH ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RADIATION TO BE WIDELY USED IN THE U.S. No. a trifle compared to the emr from turning your car over in the morning JURY DUTY IS AN ECONOMICALLY & SOCIALLY FAIR, DUTIFUL, RIGHTEOUS SERVICE Only to lawyers and judges. Bestowed/received unintended benefit is what economists call positive/negative externalities. Jurors work for lawyers/judges for free. Jury service in most of Europe is professional/full-time, with legal advocacy class consisting less of showmanship aimed at lay-person jurors. THE MAIN RISK TO FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WAS ALWAYS CIGARETTE SMOKE Beating that out was/is radiation. Jet skins afford no protection from general cosmic radiation (lead planes would not fly). A round trip between L.A. and N.Y. still imparts radiation roughly equivalent to that received from half a chest x-ray. The atmosphere that protects humans from cosmic radiation redounds very close to the planet's surface; to scale, it's like onion skin on a bowling ball. Passenger jets generally fly above most of it. AL BUNDY'S(C) CAR WAS A WIENIEMOBILE. Wrong. The early-70's Plymouth Duster was like my mother's '72 Dodge Dart: under 2 tons, mid-200's HP (a rocket). See associate "Car Cultures Can't Succeed..." (linked) for how car cultures are self-defeating economically, socially, and psychologically. JUDEO-CHRISTIAN NATIONS HAVE A LOWER DIVORCE RATE THAN NON-J-C NATIONS. Backward. Dramatically. PRIOR TO GAMING, MINING & THE MILITARY, NEVADA WAS WORTHLESS TERRAIN. WRONG (per rumor). Particularly in space engineering circles outside the U.S., it's said this area harbors a massive aquifer; unfortunately, the frequent underground nuclear testing in the area would likely have spoiled it. The relevant question today: if there's now a massive radiated aquifer, does THAT pose a danger to residents of Vegas or Reno? THE U.S. ECONOMY BENEFITS FROM USING LOW WAGES DOMESTICALLY? Wrong. The opposite is true, defined as "terms of trade." TAILGATORS IN AMERICAN CARS ARE NO DUMBER THAN TAILGATORS IN NON-U.S.-MADE CARS. WRONG. These are preposterously stupid tailgators. Unlike non-U.S.-made cars, the air bags mounted in their steering wheels deploy at 8 mph impact (15 in Japanese cars). These drivers are inches from blowing off their own noses. RAPID TRANSIT IS TOO EXPENSIVE TO BUILD OR OPERATE. Backward. (should be to not build/operate) UPI reported in 1986 (13 years ago) a (pre-Ford-controlled) Hertz-prepared study :$4,764 per year to operated a typical compact (let alone buy it, pay insurance (reflecting a million injuries per year), sit in gridlock, circle for parking, sit in repair shop waiting rooms,...) THE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX HAS BEEN UNDERSTATED 'TILL THE CHANGES RECENTLY MADE. Wrong, likely. When your box/can, etc. of product contained less tissues, coffee, etc, for the same price, that was equivalent to price increases. None of that was counted. Granted, however, this effect may abate inasmuch as manufacturer's can't sell empty containers. WE'RE NOW PROTECTING THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERIC OZONE LAYER, HAVING PHASED OUT THE USE OF FREON. Wrong (subject to research on this). Allegedly, freon's main replacement remains airborne twice as long as previously thought, offsetting its being half as harm-causing chemically. Also, ALLEGEDLY (researching), a coolant-free cooling system using a modified Stirling engine was developed by one firm, Cryodynamics, which was finagled (given the "kiss of death") by one of the air conditioning market's part-controlling (control-sharing) firms. "POLITICALLY CORRECT" IS AN INNOCUOUS EXPRESSION. Wrong. It plainly implies that is should be possible for one to be morally wrong yet socially acceptable (think about it). Site creator and associates so far trace its origin (we THINK) to a casual, creative use, absent ill-intent, by columnist Robert Novak, who likely never thought through the expression's implication. MICROWAVE OVENS ARE A SAFE, EFFECTIVE MEANS OF COOKING. Wrong. May cause cancer, loss of memory; try using a toaster-oven or conventional oven, and you'll see a vastly superior texture in reality. As to health, see article, and its source. MOTHERHOOD'S SAFE WITH FATHERHOOD'S TRUSTS CREATED TO SEE WIDOWS THROUGH LIFE. Often not true, methinks. One, many trust attorneys have been doing incompetent work. Second, this being a fiduciary relation (attorney-widow upon administration), when they recommend investments they're inclined to just recommend the "nifty fifty" (not many bargains in valuation terms)so as to avoid "suitability" problems--this because it used to be flirting with being a conflict of interest to be trust attorney AND referrer to investments. The attorneys surely will not compound any potential appearance of fiduciary violation. Indeed, the popularity of trusts in recent years may have contributed to the rare, severe skewing of value pro-"nifty fifty" that's been experienced in recent years. FIXED INCOME SECURITIES (BONDS WITH FIXED "COUPON" RATES)DO NOT FLUCTUATE IN PRINCIPAL AND ARE ULTRA-SAFE Believe it or not, many retired persons and investing novices think this is true. Perhaps a stockbroker's saying "I like bonds cause I think the economy's showing weakness" (or the like) is not adequate. Note also, there can be inflation (and rising rates, which cause principal to fall)in a weak economy; cost-based stagflation could come, for instance, from the weakening of the dollar due to oil imports (also see hotlink: soapboxes) if/when prices rise (or soar). Bonds are at, broadly, a 20-year high/(rates low) mainly due to record low oil prices (CPI-adjusted). Oil intensive, (no meaningful rapid transit)and importing 55% (fast approaching 60%) of its oil, oil's catching up will be the U.S.' past catching up, undermining the trade deficit, rendering the Fed hostage, and the federal budget, indirectly, hostage to the trade deficit. MALE PATTERN BALDNESS REFLECTS A HIGH TESTOSTERONE LEVEL (HIGH MASCULINE VIRULENCE) see worldoffear In a nutshell, it's genetic/NOT testosterone-related whatsoever. Is the aforementioned belief an arbitrary perversion ultimately reflecting the dogmatic nature of religion? (In this case, it would stem from the fear of being wrongly ferreted out as gay--ultimately, from stygmatizing gays). RADIO TALK-SHOW HOSTS TELL IT LIKE IT IS No. They stay mainstream (but generally know reality). Best example: re: religions stigmatizing gays: the announcers are among the most aware, the communications industry caters primarily to men insecure in their masculinity (cars, cigarettes, etc. as phallic symbols, application of arbitrary perversions, and so on). MALE GAY-BASHERS ARE INTRINSICALLY MASCULINE 100% wrong. Masculine insecurity and typically genetic source-stock (religious, family history,...) give them away. Stigmatizing causes homo/hetero marrying (pre-Viagra, mostly by lesbians); Xq28 only passes maternally (X chromosome)/only women get (1 or) 2 Xq28's (X chromosome). HETERO husbands over-produce due to fear of being WRONGLY ferreted out as gay. Fear was supposed to work with fertility rites/later also anti-abortion to increase population. For VERBATIM "NY Times" current genetics & psychiatry re: religion causes homosxlty, esp. lesbianism (?), see linked ASSOCIATE Making STRAIGHT Men Afraid of Being Wrongly Ferreted Out as Gay. DICK ARMEY'S FOR THE FLAT TAX. Not if he takes money from religious groups. Their work's tax deductible. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE'S ROLE IN REGIONAL AND NATIONAL HEALTH EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE ARE LOGICALLY TAKEN UP INSTEAD BY HMO'S Wrong. HMO's figure dollars spent on your maintenance today may well benefit another PROVIDER 5 or 10 years later; not to mention, they've nothing to do with the regional and national intiatives other industrial nations enjoy. JAY ROCKEFELLER'S COMMITTED TO RATIONAL HEALTH CARE DELIVERY Well, he certainly doesn't OWE us anything. But in 1992 he said if the U.S. didn't have "community rating" by '96, he'd do his best to create National Health Insurance. Community rating means if you're insured by ABC, move, develop signs of a slow-onset disease, get hire, & apply for insurance from XYZ, you'll still get covered for whatever ails you. Well, we don't have that; and, once you're bankrupt, you're on your way to the county hospital (also see POOR TAKE FROM THE RICH? (below, not a hotlink). Your costs there will still be financed by people such as you were before you got ruined by the system. These other people will have your unpaid costs built into their premiums by way of their employers paying $ 10 for a band-aid (that's cost-shifting, and we still have that, too). THE CHAPPAQUIDICK ACCIDENT WAS ENTIRELY TED'S FAULT. almost afraid to talk about this one. A nearly identical accident discredited a Quebecois leader about 2 weeks after the Chappaqudick incident. After acquittal, jurors told reporters they thought it looked like a frame; and, they uttered the suspicion that Chappaquidick was at least partly "set up"--and related. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS OF GOVERNMENT HAVE IDEALISTIC PHILOSPHIES ETCHED INTO THEIR STONEWORKED ENTRANCES. OUR LEADERS ASPIRE TO PURSUE THOSE GOALS. fancy grafitti to them (what's this? my opinion. What you see is what you get, of course.) THE EPA'S WORKING FOR YOU. If you're a force for corruption only. You can only see the beautiful mountains on the California coast after a rain; otherwise, you can't even on a "GOOD AIR QUALITY" day. SUPERMARKET PRODUCE SCALES ARE ACCURATE Wrong. They're essentially misleading sales tools. Commonly they show half the actual weight. Scales at the checkers are required to be accurate, and this traditionally has been held sacrosanct by authorities and industry alike; but, if you have a 5-lb. bag of potatos weighed there by request (instead of having the checker simply scan the pre-packaged product's price,) you'll find that someone's lying a little these days (often the store, sometimes the packager, sometimes both). OLDER DRIVERS ARE BETTER DRIVERS Wrong. PER-MILE the worst by far. But they drive less. (also see soapboxes hotlink) YOU SHOULD SAY "THANK YOU" TO THE CHECKER AFTER YOU BUY SOMETHING. Wrong. That's backward. They should thank you. (see worldoffear hotlink for possible basis (where not censored, as it apparently has been by some religiously inclined (?) ISP's (worldoffear is rather agnostic). FLUORIDATING DRINKING WATER CAUSES CANCER. This doesn't even belong in the "CONTROVERSIAL" or "EXTRA-CONTROVERSIAL" section (below/further below) (also see hotlink: historyoffear as to lack of self-respect, fraud, obnoxiosisness, etc.) If you cacll ANY School of Public Health and speak with ANY Professor of Dental Public Health you'll be advised that the cancer scare's based entirely on invalid studies contracted for by organizations of unscrupulous dentists. Recently, "Reader's Digest" ran a pre-coknsultant- diagnosed test wherein 300 out of 300 unsuspecting dentists rendered fraudulent diagnoses. Actually, fluoridating prevents cavities, gum loss, tooth loss, osteoporosis in post-menopausal women, and spine shrinkage in elderly men (classic older-look crouch). THE FDA WORKS FOR YOU All natural sweetener steviaside (200 x sweeter than sugar is not rated GRAS-generally regarded as safe) Aspartame (use correlated with brain cancer statistics since aspartame aproved; cancer suspicions also arose during aspartame's original analysis. Labeling's a sham. "Zero" fat/calories per serving is actually below a threshold per serving, SERVINGS PER CONTAINER AT THE DISCRETION OF THE MFTR. ELVIS PRESLEY'S THE KING Of what? One of the Beatles, in their televised Anthology, said he collaborated with J.Edgar Hoover in ferreting out communists, revolutionaries, etc. from among the rock singers of the day. Serious evidence that J. Edgar Hoover was gay has been widely publicized. Just how far, albeit on a subconscious level, did Presley's relationship with Hoover extend? RETAILERS ARE UTTERLY DEPENDENT ON CHRISTMAS SALES Absent them, most of these purchases would be made during the course of the year. There would be far fewer returns. JURY DUTY PROVIDES JUDGEMENT BY PEERS & STATISTICAL RANDOMNESS FROM THE COMMUNITY Wrong. Voir dire is a lengthy, meticulous process of removing the randomness. Note, apart from this, lwyrs & judges benefit from jurors' free labor ("positive externality to l & j's, "negative" to the jurors). THE U.S. FOUGHT IN VIETNAM TO PRECLUDE THE DOMINO-LIKE FALL OF OTHER NATIONS Reality check: Vietnam is today one of four Communist nations in the world. It matters not at all. The U.S. is scrambling to not be left out of its trade. USE OF MARIJUANA IS A RIGHT/WRONG ISSUE. Wrong. Human endorphon anandimide is identical to THC, marijuana's active ingredient. (another indicator, closeness humans-their environment) Use is obviously an issue of degree. THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND (STOCKS) Observe: The definition of a market top: more people, with more conviction, employing more money, all more than ever before, are bullish; and, they're more wrong than ever before. The definition of a market bottom: more people, with more conviction, selling more shares, all more than ever before, are bearish; and, they're more wrong than ever before. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS IN TRANSPORTATION ARE WAY OFF BASE National City Line, an affiliate of Yellow Coach, then controlled by Greyhound, in turn at the time controlled by GM, in the 30's tore out most trolley tracks and burned most trolley cars. The U.S. had been a trolley- rich nation. In 1932, Alfred Sloan (GM Chmn.) crerated the National Highway Users Conference, an alliance of tire, oil, car, etc. co.'s to benefit through cooperative action. Credits: "Taken for a Ride," PBS by, , and based on in-work book (Brad Snell) Former President Perez of Venezuela has also alternately been associated directly with corporate oil, been Oil Minister of Venezuela (he was a co- founder of OPEC), and been a leader of OPEC. MASS TRANSIT IS TOO EXPENSIVE WHEN WE NEED MORE POLICE 70-95% of police man-hours are lost to traffic control, depending on the jurisdiction. HALF-RIGHT/NOT CONTROVERSIAL DOUBLE-OFF COUPONS SAVE CONSUMERS MONEY Depends. If you don't have the coupon, you're seriously subsidizing the people who are getting theirs doubled. Many major supers are charging far above suggested retail prices, which you can determine for yourself when you use a mfr.'s "free product" coupon limited to a suggested retail price. EXPENSIVE CARS ARE STATUS SYMBOLS To apx. half the population, yes. The other half recognizes instantly it's simply a matter of priorities--also, phallic symbols. (worldoffear hotlink) CONTROVERSIAL SECTION THE POOR TAKE FROM THE RICH Wrong. U.S.: Rich take from the poor's the rule. Free basic pilot training by the Air Force for the airlines. (Not to mention: consider the schooling the public education the cost of just one F-14 would buy.) Royalty-free grants from the Public Health Service to biotech firms. Oil/car cos. don't pay for hiways/traffic patrol, exc insofar as gas tax affects demand "elasticity" (which is nominally, Amer'ns driving no matter what. NEW AFFILIATE--LINKAGE in caps RELIGION IS GOOD FOR FAMILIES Wrong. see Religion & Families Don't Mix, 102; Prereq.:Making STRAIGHT Men Afraid of Being Wrongly Ferreted Out as Gay ATHEISTS/AGNOSTICS ARE ANTI-CAPITALIST. Plainly stupid. Christians were anti-traditional Jewish. Moslems were anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. All were anti-religious in a sense. There are thoroughly, avidly capitalist Shintos, Buddhists, and Hindus. The French Revolution outlawed religion but was not creative of cooperativism. ROME DECLINED DUE TO WEAKENING OF RELIGION Backward. declined after adopting J-C. Self-Respect is Happiness Compassion Incorporates Self-Assurance | ||||||||||||||||||
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